

Fandoms: Genshin Impact (main) | Zelda | Dungeon Meshi

Do not repost my art, do not involve me in discourse

フォロー数:168 フォロワー数:970

Finally gave Titty Manbun here a name
His name is Yugo

3 13

My Pokémon trainer OC Rosika w/ a Hydreigon Sygna Suit

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Moar alien peeps

Their names are Cuxakk (left) and Zee-fra (right)

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Consistent artstyle? Don't know her

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In contrast to Rosie's Hydreigon, Paul's Torterra wants Paul and Rosika to actually get together.

Sometimes it takes it upon itself to "help out" a little bit to get them closer

1 8

Will probably never get tired of drawing Quasar with space aesthetics

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Cursed lizard man who turned me into a scalie

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Lil' Rogelonnie with the future outfit I gave Lonnie in my She-Ra!Lonnie AU
Not completely satisfied w/ Rogelio's outfit but it's getting late and I wanted to finish this

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