

Fandoms: Genshin Impact (main) | Zelda | Dungeon Meshi

Do not repost my art, do not involve me in discourse

フォロー数:168 フォロワー数:970

Just a random bunch of Quasar pics bc I love drawing her

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I was in the mood to doodle more of my Voltron team so here's Rhanxeron, the blue paladin

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This is fur... this isn't cloth...

Just retcon it to be neck fluff, Sega

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Bleu Pleione
2015 - 2020
I don't think she ever had a fully finalized design for her back in '15. Love her weapon though, a meteor hammer, originally connected by chains I changed it to wire rope bc I do not want to draw so many chains

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Valentine Amoretti
2015 - 2020
They are agender, I always had a thing for masc-presenting nb OCs huh... Their weapon is a compound bow but they mostly keep it in the suitcase which is great bc it means I didn't have to draw it!

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Ashe Blanche
2015 - 2020
A sheep faunus, her weapon is a giant battle axe and also some firearm (look I don't know much about guns). She had the most drastic outfit change bc I REALLY didn't like her old outfit anymore ; O ;

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Rust Khalkeus
2015 - 2020
Her weapon is a combination of spear, harpoon and some firearm. She's the mechanic of the team, repairing weapons when broken or damaged.

She has shark-y teeth for absolutely no reason

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Uh oh, it's my old OCs (redrawn and slightly redesigned)

I dropped the series a couple years ago but I was inspired to draw these again

(individual pics and comparison w/ old versions below!)

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I was in a “mad about Acnologia’s canon color palette” mood

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