

One piece ❤️‍🔥

フォロー数:439 フォロワー数:6336

To match this level of reaction from kaido Zoro needed go all out and use ashura , luffy did with gear 3 punch lmao

2 93

I'm not kidding when I say Nami tattoo has more depth behind it than entire Sakura's character 😭💀

197 2144

Manga panels that go hard [Thread]

Strawhat Luffy Edition

27 109

The Queen is Dead. Long Live The King

23 70

Straw hat How Shanks Crew
Luffy Sees luffy

305 4442

With luffy being ahead Kidd and law are the strongest in alliance/Supernovas

I don't wanna see sanji or zoro above these two again anymore 😤

8 49