

Nathan || 🇧🇷 || Digital Artist || Jack of all trades! 💙✨

Loves indie games, comic books and expressing myself. Check my other social medias!

フォロー数:307 フォロワー数:1556

"Life is complicated. I've killed people, smuggled people, sold people. Perhaps here, things will be different."

Happy Birthday, GTA IV

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Berserk nos trendings? Aqui vão duas artes minhas dessa obra maravilhosa!

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Hello there! I'm Nathan, and I'm a jack of all trades. 🎴
I enjoy working with lots of styles, moods and medias (pixel art, digital art). Check the examples below! 💙✨

Please consider following! ⭐️

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Hello there!! I'm Nathan, and I'm a jack of all trades. I make pretty much anything I find cool, so there's something for everyone! 💙✍️

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Opa, olá! Meu nome é Nathan, e eu faço artes variadas: de ilustrações a pixel arte. Coisas complexas e minimalistas. Tem pra todos os gostos! 💙💫

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Hello there! I'm Nathan, and I enjoy making illustrations and pixel art. I do pretty much anything I find cool, so there's something for everyone! 💙💫

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Olá! Meu nome é Nathan, e eu faço de tudo no digital: de pintura renderizada a pixel arte!

Tô sempre experimentando estéticas e dando meu melhor nas coisas, tem algo legal pra todo mundo. Dá uma olhada no perfil! 💙✨

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Opa, olá! Meu nome é Nathan, e eu faço artes variadas: de ilustrações a pixel arte. Coisas complexas e minimalistas. Tem pra todos os gostos! 💙💫

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