

you should follow @rookruff for actual art and stuff, i really just post whatever i want here 🌿 I: @tiigerstars b: @silicon65 match: @valpezian

フォロー数:978 フォロワー数:5140

for some time in april this was gonna be a new ref for my sona but then i gave up because crooked horns were the biggest pain in the ass . the fullbody's still neat tho

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dont RT because i'll put the full res at @/AngstyWildCats later, im just overexcited to post because uh. its been a while since ive had good art done lol

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for ur consideration: I made her a similar red because I realised she was too similar to my more recent firestar designs

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He is not but I hope this makes up for it

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Shading saves everything kinda

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I have no idea how to design cats lol

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I dug the first one from the depths of my very first account and I felt like I was stabbed in the chest
2011 —> 2019

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I don’t know how long I’ll be gone or how long I’ve been gone for but just know all that it’s because BOTW gave the escapism that I needed

Look at this Pidge that @/TwistedEerie drew

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this specific scorbunny is the best thing i have ever drawn

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