

you should follow @rookruff for actual art and stuff, i really just post whatever i want here 🌿 I: @tiigerstars b: @silicon65 match: @valpezian

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theeese two! It's alright i'm quite dry on ideas or time for Esks haha but if the motivation or inspiration ever comes up, i'd definitely be down!

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Shoutout to this time i drew up a bunch of wholeass full pictures for an animation uni class only to have misread the prompt completely and handed in the stupid thing late anyway

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I made... a half sona? half chara thing.. I wanted to kind of write myself out as if I was writing any other oc! Cat style ofc, bc cat dnd's all that's been on my mind

It was nice.. I sometimes don't give myself enough credit, so having to balance pos/neg traits was . comforting

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look at my boy!

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on other news: im gcoming back to this as well

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for you guys u get: extra tidbits about these characters!
(preferably dont rt because I dont want more followers her that solely come for art)

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on a more positive note, i draw this quite a bit ago but i do want to just, reiterate my love for this one oc. lvoe her

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clenches fist.... i think my art streaks back which means IM FINALLY GONNA DO MORE SHIT

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look at this animation i did like 2 years ago but is probably the best thing i ever did

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