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been working a bit more with my AU, where Amy is the hero instead of Sonic.

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It ALL matters. All of it has in some way made Sonic popular. And that should be honored. And next year, it will be Sonic’s 30th. It’s time to celebrate all of it!


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Because every version is someone’s first exposure to this franchise, and it made someone a fan and maybe even inspired them to check out more stuff in this franchise. And even if you don’t like it all, that has to be okay. Cause someone else does. And it inspired them.


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No matter how you feel about the different media, stories, and characters, EVERY SONIC MATTERS.


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Two more preview pages for issue 36!


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Well, pirates have been described as "freedom fighters" at times... and let’s face it, Sally would make an EXCELLENT pirate captain! Plundering the forces of the Eggman empire!

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Was doodling, and I ended up drawing the "Female" version of Sonic "Sonica" from and 's UWU universe. While I'm not usually big on genderbent stuff, I really like their take on a female Sonic. She's cool! :3

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Another thing...when Sonic is down...because he feels guilty over the Metal Virus...who helps him back up? Tangle. And what does Sonic even call her? A HERO. In this moment..Tangle is Sonic’s hero.

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Overall...Tangle feels like a female counterpart to Sonic in many ways. Both are free spirited, adventureous, ( likes Chili dogs ) and they care about their friends and want to make sure they are okay!

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