

Sometimes 18+. Saiph Ravenhardt on Famfrit (FFXIV). She/They. Tumblr: | Twitch: | Ko-Fi:

フォロー数:409 フォロワー数:36

Thank you, Twitter Clipping, because this is the exact spot I keep staring at lol

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Tyriel is a bladesong wizard who was previously a draconic sorcerer. She is an elf and has lived about 250 years so she's seen a lot of shit, but that doesn't stop her from doing the right thing... she is v Chao Good. Attached art is a commission I had done of her (rofeal on dA).

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I need to practice doing cool screenshots like everyone else lol

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and my DnD Gal, Tyriel Starflower (Amastacia)!

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My <Brynhildr> Alt, Avalon... though there is no good way to add the Au'ra horns RIP

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My adorable Miquo'te Saiph x3

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Sure, why not. It's worth a shot, and I have an excuse to share what I'm Fantasia'ing into for ShB!

Name: Saiph Ravenhardt
World: Famfrit

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