

Bald female fetish

フォロー数:120 フォロワー数:775

191. Helen now knows what happened with the wedding.

It's, indeed, a complicated situation. Mostly because of the hostages and because Tamadun's brother, Ofidio, looks like a fanatic.

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190. Ofidio kicks Tamadun on the stomach, with the last one's body writhing in pain.

"Tamadun!" says Alan trying to help his son-in-law despite his handcuffs.

"I don't want to hear you again until I kill your wife, Tamadun!" Ofidio says, enraged.

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189. "Brother, you are a monster!"

"No. I want to avenge our father" Ofidio explains furiously. "Maybe do you forget that Alan's army killed him in Moonhill?!"

"But just because he personally attacked Asmens in an unfair and avaricious raid...!"

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188. "King Alan, I despise you over anyone else... But I don't want to kill you. No, for you I have something more cruel in mind: I will force you to watch your only daughter's death and all your people being enslaved and sold to the highest bidder.

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187. "Please, don't kill my daughter or anyone besides me!" begs King Alan. "If you want to spill blood, execute me, an elder, but free all these people: they don't deserve to be punished".

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Picrewの「Sailor Moon OC Maker」でつくったよ!

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186. Ofidio slaps his big brother's face.

"If you don't recover your sanity after I kill her... Well, I will be King of Lanun instead of you... and I will recover our ancient slavery tradition with enormous pleasure.
In any case, Lanun recovers its greatness again".

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185. "Just shut up!" Ofidio yells, upsetted. "This witch has enchanted you and you are not rational anymore! I will kill her personally when my men find her to try to free you".

"Brother, Beatrice didn't jinx me: she just showed me another reality and taught me..."

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184. "Big brother..." the man with black armor says. "How can you betray your homeland and its traditions just for a woman?".

"Ofidio!" Tamadun shouts. "This is pure madness! I not betray Lanun: I want to improve it! Slavery is wrong: humans are not possesions! And Beatrice..."

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183. Then, Helen notices something more: the leader of the kidnappers (an important lanunian noble, judging by his high quality black armor), is speaking with Tamadun, who is sitting on the floor and handcuffed.

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