

Bald female fetish

フォロー数:120 フォロワー数:775

174. The two bards, after so many emotions and events (composing their pieces, competing, the shaving, being honest and loving each other), fall asleep.

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173. "Thank you too for opening up so much, trusting in me and showing your lovely true self" and Helen kissess Rebecca's shaved nape.

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172. "Thanks... Not only for this, but for transforming a bad and disappointing day into one of the greatest of my life" and Rebecca kisses one of the arms that are hugging her.

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171. Helen watches Rebecca tenderly.

"Do you want us to cuddle for a little?"

"It would be great, yes!" the baldie affirms.

"All right" Helen accedes. "But just for a little and we return to the party" she says as she lays down again on the bed and hugs Rebecca from behind.

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170. "Helen, before we return to the wedding... Can we spend some time together here?" The bald bard says, a little shy. "You know, just for taking a little rest after so many emotions...".

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169. "I am glad of it" Helen says while she caresses Rebecca's cheek. "Well, let's get dressed up: we got a wedding that liven up".

When Helen is gonna stand up, her hand is grabbed by Rebecca.

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168. When Rebecca recovers, Helen asks:

"Was it a nice experience?"

"Yes, definitely" the head shaved one stutters with a smile, affectionately, cleaning the sweep from her forehead.

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167. Finally, Rebecca can't hold up the pleasure and yells orgasmically.

"I...! I...!" Rebecca tries to say while her body vibrates uncontrollably.

"Shhhh..." Helen calms her. "Just enjoy the moment: allow yourself to be carried away by passion".

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166. Both enjoy each other's body, making love rhythmically at the same time their inner thighs hit one against the other. Blonde and bald, reciprocally, fondle her partner's legs, softly, and, as the time passess, they rub their genitals faster and faster, sweating and moaning.

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165. "Now, let's perform the grand finale together" Helen whispers after kissing Rebecca's cheek.

Then, the blonde lays down Rebecca's body on her bed and, gently, opens her legs. Next, Helen places herself in the opposite position and starts to scissor Rebecca.

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