

Dumbass artist who draws funny people in funny historical costumes; part-time "shit nobody cares about" enthusiast…

フォロー数:459 フォロワー数:4561

Fåyē LãGûërré kidnapped from ’s Blu Rivers Revolution and drafted into the Manchu Banner armies

13 104

Gansu Brave, 1895.

"China and the Allies" describes the Gansu Braves as wearing "white clothes and pointed blue caps" during the Boxer Rebellion. The uniform is (mostly) based off a contemporary Chinese print, though I added a different hat and identification disc.

20 110

Here is an old piece I did a while ago of some kind of Confederate soldier. It's not the best, but better to put it out into the wild instead of letting it rot in the depths of my hard drive.

10 57

This opium ain't shi-

(Apologies to whatever artist the AI decided to pillage and pilfer.)

8 68





POV: Normandy was NOT just the distraction

18 96

"I cooka da pizza!"
The Italian Bersaglieri was (and is!) a celebrated unit of sharpshooters in the Italian Army. Noted for the distinctive grouse feather on their helmet, the Bersaglieri even today continue one of Italy's proudest martial traditions.

26 96

Freedom doesn't knock; it rings!

19 100