

Dumbass artist who draws funny people in funny historical costumes; part-time "shit nobody cares about" enthusiast…

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Qing era jingal crew, 1850s.

The jingal was in essence a big ass gun that needed a stand (a role often played by an unfortunate soldier) to aim and shoot. If loaded with pebbles and nails, it could be turned into a massive shotgun. They could take up to four minutes to reload!

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You said something about the last Custard stand?

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"The Rollover," a Qing military exercise described by Harper's Weekly in 1876, consisted of basically doing a backflip.
Apparently this sort of drill was conducted to improve agility while using sword and shield. Its actual effectiveness in war is anyone's guess.

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Filipino Moro insurgent versus US Marine, circa 1900s.

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Mexican presidial lancer, 1836.
The presidial (from "presidio," not "presidential") cavalry was formed originally by the Spanish to basically provide a flying squad to colonial settlements. During the time of Santa Anna, the presidials were invaluable as scouts and light cavalry.

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Mexican fusilier in summer dress, 1836.
With poor or nonexistent training, many of the Mexican troops present at the Alamo were prone to friendly-firing their own people. Fearful of the recoil of their muskets, many fired from the hip, resulting in poor accuracy.

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Irish volunteer, circa 1916.
The Easter Rising of 1916 was a major but ultimately unsuccessful attempt to establish an Irish independent of the Br*tish. Outnumbered and outgunned, the Irish nonetheless put up quite a doozy of a fight.

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Say what you want about the late Qing army's effectiveness (or severe lack of), but they had the DRIP!

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