

25 • hobbyartist • art archive: @shikadrawsii

フォロー数:671 フォロワー数:1112

Just remembered that I used my dislike of how they did their hair in the show as a prompt

14 124

Congratulations and thanks for the art share! 💕
Right now my main inspirations are asoiaf and the Percy jackson series

4 13

Rhaena Targaryen
(if they had fun with styling her locs on the show)

119 440

Before anyone comes and uses official art as an excuse ask yourself why is she so pale? Why does she not have her curly hair? Why does she have an 8head and a mile long chin? Even the art isn’t accurate to book description

11 121

This movie is camp and it’s one of my favourites in the white people walking somewhere genre

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