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CCP is running out of money and starting to confiscate money from Chinese companies, of course the money of HKers are also taken into account

76 130

Need to back up the videos
We can't let CCP to rewrite the history

104 167

Don't think we can get in touch with the truth if CCP is involved, even reports on forced labors by foreign companies who have factories in China, may be censored by CCP

35 73

This is a time when YouTubers are arrested for talking about local news

40 83

Not only human rights concerns, the deal is meaningless if CCP insists not to open the market, as it has promised decades ago

25 44

Even WHO expert teams which is backed by govts in the world still can't get to the truth
It's impossible for other groups to know the real situations in China, esp in the areas with serious human rights abuses

32 61

CCP claims everything belongs to it

26 56

Can't understand why they still kneeling down and censored themselves even CCP is dumping them when they are useless to CCP

61 108

Condemned and continue to have close relationsip with CCP, depsite are being genocide, Christians are being hunted in China, for decades

17 30