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That's why it's not China's internal affairs, it's the signal to the world CCP is invading the free world

18 72

The sentence to Gui Minhai shows CCP is not extending its claw to the free world, but no longer confined the human rights violations and deprivation of freedom in China

62 161

Isn't it normal to see people kowtowing to CCP?

24 54

I really curious about who are giving advices to Boris Johnson, he really need some patriots to be advisors, but not people betraying their own country and citizens

18 43

Thank Senator Scott
Apple Daily is one of the few media that willing to report the truth about CCP, so they have been intimidated for many times
Please support the independent media in Hong Kong, and not reading the pro-CCP ones

68 157

Hostage diplomacy as usual
Please also make sure Gui's family is safe, his daughter was threatened by the agents disguising Sweden diplomat, and this tactics is always be used by CCP

50 128

Huawei is a political tool of CCP to invade other countries, using it in 4G was not wise, but even worse when it comes to 5G

33 89

Democracy is not perfect, so we need separation of powers, to prevent corruption of govt
But in China and Hong Kong, there's no such thing

35 72

CCP is always like this, its regime is established based on brainwashing the people, of course it's afraid of the truth

24 84

There's no rule of law in Hong Kong for long

21 41