

Gaming enthusiast interested in modern, retro, indie, arcade gaming & anime come join me for news, reviews & more!

フォロー数:9137 フォロワー数:8721

Roniu's Tale is a
game by Kunjee Studio being
published by
I gather it's only just going to Kickstarter. However I absolutely love this style of game & really hope it makes a future appearance on a collection!!

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Global Gladiators 1992 platform game developed by Virgin Games - now owned by u control Mick or Mack through 4 worlds; Slime World, Mystical Forest, Toxi-town & Arctic World. where you must collect Golden Arches to advance. One for future collection?

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GAURODAN By Fly around the Canary Islands & destroy cities, armies & colossal creatures in this precision shmup. Which has the Look & feel of an arcade game from 1984-1985. 11 short & intense levels & an unlockable survival mode. Definitely one I'd love on

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new game taking beat ‘em ups to next level with deeper systems, satisfying effects,& stylistic flair. they taken best parts about this genre & blended it with homegrown pixel art for juicy combat thrills! collection 2 on perhaps?

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JOURNEY TO OBLIVION is a brand new game for the MegaDrive. It's a developing spaceship game in which you'll have to defend planet Earth from alien invasion. It currently only has 2 stages but with a little more padding I'd love to see it on future collection what say u?

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Avenging Spirit by U can possess 1 of 4 characters with unique abilities at the start of the game,The library of enemies expands & changes with levels Players attack (or possess) enemies, collect power-ups, & defeat bosses.Jaleco Arcade collection - must on

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64th Street: A Detective Story by Each private detective uses different fighting styles,attempt to solve cases beating up criminals they encounter.Special items can be found by throwing enemies into background/breaking things Jaleco arcade collection please

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The Outfoxies namco weapon-based fighting game one-on-one arena combat style Controlling one of 7 assassins, players are tasked with defeating opponents with different types of weapons, while also avoiding different obstacles brought on by various stage gimmicks.

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