

Gaming enthusiast interested in modern, retro, indie, arcade gaming & anime come join me for news, reviews & more!

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The Ultimate Stuntman on collection you play rogue mercenary Following in the footsteps of side-scrolling action games such as the Contra & Mega Man series. A basic recurring theme in the game is the concept of 3 levels, a boss fight,& then a "bomb disposal

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These day's I never late at night - that's the golden rule 🙂

That was till I experienced by on heroes collection - Oh my goodness 😅

You can read all the reviews u like on flea but nothing will prepare u for the actual experience!!! 🎩

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Today's is valis 3 on renovation collection. Valis III once again features the series' main protagonist Yuko as the lead character also joined by her sister, Valna, & young warrior named Cham who are new playable characters that can be switched at any time! - 🕹️🎩

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Jay & Silent Bob: Mall Brawl Beat-Em-Up you can play as Jay or Silent Bob side scrolling brawler solo or with a friend with gameplay style similar to action brawlers like River City Ransom & Double Dragon II collection on really would be special 🎩

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Fun facts about on collection on

This was the first arcade game to be designed by a woman Dona Bailey

The side artwork features grasshopper,while it's not present during gameplay, it can be seen in test mode!

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Fun facts about Asteroids Deluxe on collection on

Digital Vector Generator was designed by Howard Delman & used in Lunar Lander & 

Most of the sound effects are implemented by custom circuitry, but some are generated by Atari POKEY sound chip

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Orange Island designed & developed by Ted Sterchi with charming 8-bit graphics,audio, & gameplay authentic to the Open-world side-scrolling exploration with towns, inns, & shops.Additional side-quests to be found & completed. Diverse characters & themes. perhaps?🎩

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Fun facts about Mania Challenge on Collection on

The main difference in game play is that you can do a drop kick in Mania Challenge. This was not possible in the original Mat Mania.

Two-player competitive mode available on Evercade VS wrestling fans!!

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Fun facts about Minky Monkey on collection 1 on

Even if the titlescreen says 1982, the was released in March 1983 in Japan.

This is the first Technos game. Produced in association with Roller Tron Corp., Ltd.

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Star Blader New on lynx During a diplomatic mission on Xanesh 7 to avoid a war against rebel robots, Princess Alenia & her brother Elian were attacked by the robots leader,General Luger, & Alenia was kidnapped. Fight against your own clones to free her. perhaps?

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