

illustrator, painter, comic zines maker.
no pronouns but if you must, they/them

フォロー数:364 フォロワー数:66

little self indulgent warm up doodle this morning because cute, glowing and fluffy adventurers are a joy to draw and behold.

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graduation paperwork's been freaking me out so to calm down i drew a little birb daughter and some fluffy friends because why not

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guess who discovered the bear episode of ? and then guess who also found their favorite episode of anything ever for the rest of all time?

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got bored so i redesigned frosty and royal tea from one of my absolute favorite albums from

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probably gonna make a few more at some point because these bakus are way and i mean way too much fun to make. (also listening to lullabies while i did this was the best decision i think i could have made).

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how could i almost forget it's today! my name's corvid and i'm agenderflux! i love to draw monsters and dragons and fluffy animals with bright colors

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was told by some peeps that i'd be a dark/fairy type, and given that those are two of my favorite types i was more than happy to try to come up with a . it's eyes, claws and tail secrete a liquid that changes color with it's mood, and it draws using it

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wanted band patches for my vest. ended up with some rather complicated designs. whoops. gonna paint these hopefully later this week, we'll see. gotta say i really like how they look.

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happy birthday , thank you for sparking and keeping my love of animals alive even after i developed ptsd around them. like so many other people around the globe i owe so much happiness, courage and passion to you, and i can never thank you enough.

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