Fact about crocs featuring a fanart of 🐊 the fact that it was his birthday a few days ago is just a coincidence, I actually didn't know 😅

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I’m so sorry for this. But, ladies and gentlemen, I give you, Steve Irwin, the “Croc” odile Hunter. 🐊

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My Capeless Hero, Only Boots And Inifinite Wild Passion, Steve Reached Me And Now I'm Here Creating Life

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Steve Irwin Watercolor Portrait
Today is Steves' birthday, so I painted this portrait of one of my heroes.
I am auctioning this framed painting, and 100% of profits go straight to the Australian Zoo, Steve's home zoo.
I am starting the price at $50 US

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Remembering today all the things that Steve Irwin was passionate about - wildlife, family, conservation and of course fun - on

Oil Painting: King of Butterflies featuring the always friendly Toothpick the gator.


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One of these days, I'll figure out how to post to twitter correctly, lol. Let's try this again.

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My pic today is a tribute too Steve Irwin .. I loved watching him as a kid and he introduced me and made me fall in love with animals ... hope you like ... Crickey ...

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As a nod to a true wildlife hero, here's a few pics featuring some animals from
Happy - let's keep sharing his enthusiasm for education and

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Happy Because of his endlessly devoted family, Steve's memory continues to shine bright year round across the world...and I think that's such a cool thing!🙂

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Happy still hurts that he is gone, one of the bright and shining examples of the good out of Australia. I'm so happy to see and his family keeping his legacy alive ❤️🇦🇺 we miss you

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Five days before passed away in 2006, another Aussie icon, "The Crocodile Hunter" also tragically died.
Australia lost two icons passionate about our environment and motor racing. Both had an Aussie bloke persona, and were loved by many. Our hearts broke.

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