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Prayers 2 & 3 are done.
No pre-posts. - worker
Prayer 3 will be in an hour...
A Prayer for the Gift of Wisdom
Great is the wisdom of the Lord! God Almighty, Your Wisdom includes An understanding of what is fair, What is logical, what is true, What is right and what is lasting.
Prayer 3 is done...
Act of Right Intention
My dear Redeemer, it is not from custom or human respect that I come to receive Thee; but it is solely to love and be united to Thee, to live by Thee and for Thee, to be delivered from my miseries, to clothe myself with...
Prayer 1 for all is done...
No Pre-post. - worker
Blessed Mother
May the Blessed Mother come
into your life today with
a special blessing for you.
May you always be grateful for
the Blessed Mother.
Without her we would not have
Jesus. Our Savior.
Ye stand always before the Throne,
and see Him face to face,
whom I here receive under veils.
Be ever mindful of me,
and obtain from Him and through Him
that with you I may bless Him
and love Him for ever.
O Blessed Virgin,
Mother of my God and Saviour,
present my petitions to thy Son.
O all ye Angels and Saints, citizens of heaven,
join also your prayers with mine.
in thanksgiving for all the blessings
Thou hast ever bestowed upon me,
for the remission also of my sins,
and for the supply of all my defects and shortcomings.
Him do I offer and plead before Thee,
who committed no sin,
but bore the sins of the world,
and by whose stripes we are healed.
Accept, therefore, O Holy Father,
this Unspotted Victim,
to the honour and glory of Thy name,
Mayest Thou, O Father,
be now well pleased in Him,
and through Him turn away Thine indignation from me.
Behold the One Mediator between God and men,
the Man Christ Jesus,
my Advocate and High-Priest,
Who intercedes for me.
...look upon the Face of Thine Anointed,
in whom Thou art well pleased.
This Thy Beloved Son,
and with Him my heart,
I offer and present to Thee for all the blessings
Thou hast this day given me.
All three prayers for all are done... - worker
No pre-post.
Act of Union with Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary after Holy Communion
O most merciful Father,
who hast so loved me as to give me
Thine Only-begotten Son for my food and drink,
and with Him all things,...