1/2 of @BeliefEngine
Working on spooky typing horror game DEAD LETTER DEPT 🔪💻
Wishlist @ tinyurl.com/DLDSteam

on other platforms as Skullthug - links below ⬇

フォロー数:282 フォロワー数:723

Why not relive Thursday, because hey here is Thursday.
In my head, it is a regular ritual for these two to light whatever boots they find on fire, and then perform their most strangest & creative industrial dances to it

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Recently couch-watched my dude Scott play some insanely weird SNES import called "The Adventures of Hourai High: Transfer Student DRAMA BOMB". Yes, that is the entire title. Anyways, I got addicted to redrawing some of the goofy-ass enemies. Here's the Gargoyle.

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Here's hoping whoever you are, you have chill ass holiday.
And survive the night 👹

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For a lark during quarantine, I've been redrawing sprites from old 8bit/16bit eras. This one is the Ogre wildman from Fantasy Fantasy Adventure (US) for the GameBoy.

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