

Formerly: Daisy7. RN, Hobbyist Illustrator and Art supply Enthusiast. Owns a corgi. Milspouse diary of my life while my husband is deployed.
[email protected]

フォロー数:882 フォロワー数:2409

All I wanted today was to come home and scan this in and ofcourse Its a late day. Luckily the husband brought me starbucks <3

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I tried to actively paint today and I’m not sure if it’s salvageable but sometimes I fix things after a night of not looking. So 5 minute doodle to say I tried. I baked today too!

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Is it ? I paint predominantly animals with an emphasis on big cats and domestic dogs. Looking for moots who enjoy art supply discussions.

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Nobody wants this but me but I want an entire calender with 1980s lions. Fluttershy colors were unintentional. I meant pale yellow and went heavy handed orange and needed a complementary color. Acrylicgouache and watercolor yall. Also my watercolor pencils faber castel

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Heres that nonmoving file. It looks messy scanned in because I needed free leaves. I think it looks nice in my sketchbook though. Also happy birthday month to me. Thinkin bought purchasin some art stuff from canada as I just got paid.

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Yall dont make fun of my animation skills hahaha I spent so much time on this and why is it going 3x the speed.

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Hes actually backwards diving but Ive been staring at for hours upright I cant not unsee it. and some watercolors. I also got some new purple watercolor pencils Ill show off tomorrow when the sun comes back up.

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I am so overwhelmed and pannicky. I need yeet mysel out of nursing and sell photos of my feet on patreon. Have some watercolor gouache tigers of muddyness

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