

Formerly: Daisy7. RN, Hobbyist Illustrator and Art supply Enthusiast. Owns a corgi. Milspouse diary of my life while my husband is deployed.
[email protected]

フォロー数:882 フォロワー数:2409

Quick dude for tonight while watching bake off.

12 72

Mmmmm. I forgot my scanner was small and this is a veerrry laaaarge sketchbook. Did not think thru

4 60

Heres that giraffe dude mini small version like scanned in..I know its not like..original but it was one of the first things I did in this sketchbook. Everything like it came after cause I wanted to try harder. Frankly I think I just want to color, screw drawing.

3 32

Not my first rainbow pony but I do like a good rainbow pony. This isn't at all in the spirit of Halloween. No ragerts.

6 25

I kinda havent been much inspired by fall this year

2 4

I had a terrible night last night but I guess atleast it’s a Saturday. I didn’t feel good couldn’t sleep. I hate when my routine is screwed up.

5 28

I don’t have the most recent of recents on this device but a recent nonetheless

1 14

Im overdue for an artshare. I purchase and display artsupplies and then on the side draw intentionally majestic creatures.

1 1

Its my birfday. Ima spend it the same way I do any other day and just exist where I want. I'm trying to fill in the last bits of this sketchbook with random animal parts. Heres half a tiger.

1 23

I made a lil troll lookin lil dude

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