

Formerly: Daisy7. RN, Hobbyist Illustrator and Art supply Enthusiast. Owns a corgi. Milspouse diary of my life while my husband is deployed.
[email protected]

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I'm so tired, I’m not sure y’all realize how many genitals I touch on a daily basis at work. My new watercolor book doesn't absorb well and takes forever to dry which means my ADD kicks in.

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I aim for uncomfortably cute

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Thank goodness Im only a hobbyist. This isnt what I planned. What I planned Im sitting on to decide if Im even worth my endless marker collection;; I hate this second winter and my new bathing suit is so stinkin cuter than expected.

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AGAIN WITH SCANNING IN OLD ARTWORK. This was a doublepaged spread and while looks pretty in my journal...its not fun to scan. Photoshopping the line out is not fun. Do not double page people.

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Somebody explain to me ecoline watercolor brush pens. They dont watercolor. Ive ruined several different pages in different sketchbooks trying to understand why theyre immune to water.

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My corgis afflicted with the nose blowing. Like she has something up her nose and want to blow it out. Getting in with her pcp is about as difficult as mine. Her apt is tomorrow and I dont work today so I guess Ill just listen to her snort snort blow sneeze all day long. halp.

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Ive tried to draw cabbages several times and really enjoyed it. Wont say I was successful but I enjoyed the chaos.

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So here I am waiting for my watercolors to dry and I have done the dumbest drawing in a while. This one below is the watercolors..the dumb drawing isnt done..but I just..haha you should see my brain vision.

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Hey and sorry to my already followers for the many repeat tweets

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First, I think your art is super cute. And also thanks for the artshare and also thanks to my page viewers who suffer thru my artshares.

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