

Formerly: Daisy7. RN, Hobbyist Illustrator and Art supply Enthusiast. Owns a corgi. Milspouse diary of my life while my husband is deployed.
[email protected]

フォロー数:882 フォロワー数:2409

Always interested. Also interested in other art supply enthusiasts who like to post their art hauls

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Husbands away for the next month and here comes the returning feelings of guilt that Im not giving my dog enough attention with it just being me. Im boring her already.

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Thank for hosting! Im a registered nurse during the day so I can fund my watercolors and markers. I love art supply hauls.

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Ive been pimping these books everywhere because I love them. Have my goofy Ash fanart

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I was gonna do lemon slices and green grass and then lemon eyes sounded painful but green on green sounded also visually painful and then this happened.

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People are NOT my forte but has anybody read the book series by Jamie Littler? If not youre missing out on a great replacement. I just finished book 2 and I LOVED IT! what a great little adventure!

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The artist: The self portrait:

Them hospital acquired scrubs 3 sizes too big

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Somebody told me to come here to pimp since I dont trace. I upload art supply hauls in between my shifts at the hospital. 8)

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I intended to paint and then 3 hours into a Brittany Spears documentary (youtube recommendation that I didnt know I wanted) this is what pooped out. I hate props and I really want to paint a full +background and look what happened.

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Think tomorrow I’ll try watercoloring again. To fill in space here something colorful. Took our dog on a minor hiking trail in Alabama today. I worked til 7 yesterday. Good news is I’ve started reading the new Frostheart book and Instant Karma by marissa Meyer on audiobook

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