

Formerly: Daisy7. RN, Hobbyist Illustrator and Art supply Enthusiast. Owns a corgi. Milspouse diary of my life while my husband is deployed.
[email protected]

フォロー数:882 フォロワー数:2409

Thanks for hosting. I like purchasing art supplies and drawing floofy things with them.

5 25

Hello hello thanks for hosting. I enjoy purchasing new art supplies and playing with them by drawing floofy things

3 10

I dont want to work today. Im waiting for more art supplies to come in.

0 8

Hola todos. I draw cute critters and love new art supplies. Thanks for hosting!

5 14

I was inspired to paint digitally but this is actually not what I’m doing. I just don’t have time to finish current project. For the sake of uploading here’s some

0 3

I finally did it😂 gradient map. Since the update I’ve been thinking of so I just had to. Ready to decorate your trapperkeepers now.

1 10

I dont know anybody, Im "new"

11 42