

Formerly: Daisy7. RN, Hobbyist Illustrator and Art supply Enthusiast. Owns a corgi. Milspouse diary of my life while my husband is deployed.
[email protected]

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My husband got me some pretty flowers for Valentine’s Day. Speed puppy to bid for time. I painted something else Irl but I don’t think I like it. Meanwhile I’m playing Ghost of Tsushima and watching Pam and Tommy.

1 20

Hey there, I am an art supply hoarder. I love to talk about art supplies with other people. I love art supply hauls and unboxing videos. I love to find other people who are into the same thing!

2 21

I havent done an art share in a while. Lions kitties lions

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Why is everybodies appendixes deciding to burst all of a sudden? Stoooop. I mean but if you’re going to do it, do it during regular working hours.

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I dont want to go to work tomorrow. If congress caps nurse pay the entire country suffers.

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I’m not doing well drawing over here. But umm..have a sailor moon to fill up space. I did have an epiphany that if I take the watercolor holder tray out of the palette I can fit more half pans in the palette itself *smart*

1 26

So good news is my gym has installed a deadlift platform and bumper plates. Bad news is Im not sure I trust my back to be in good enough shape. Also in a spring cleaning mood despite it being below freezing. Also thinking about redoing my watercolor palettes.

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I mean, come on yall. Trapper keeper

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I'm too busy painting my dream trapper keeper designs from when I lived in the 1900s. Yall wouldn't know about that.

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Everytime I have to merge a 2 page spread I get angry and tell myself never to do it again. I accidentally skipped some pages in this journal and now I'm slightly panic'd. I may just fill them with stripes because its hard to go back to old pages but I cant leave them blank.

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