

Muziek ,Theater, Literatuur, (Wereld)Politiek, Filosofie, Nieuws en DAT GRAAG STOICIJNS ALS HET LUKT.

フォロー数:1122 フォロワー数:1613

Pierre Paul Puget

btd 1620 d 1694

'Sainte Cécile'

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Jessye Norman

Richard Strauss

Gewandhaus Orchestre

Kurt Masur, conductor

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Anton Mauve

btd 1838 d 1888

Interior in Laren

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Anton Mauve

©Rijksmuseun, Amsterdam

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Yasuo Kuniyoshi

btd 1889 1953

Girl thinking
I was just married
I'm tired

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You probably think that my future landscapes will be soaked in pessimism, so to speak?
Don’t worry, I love nature too much.

Isaac Levitan
btd 1860 d1900

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Some philosophers have warned us:
if we forget the past, we are doomed to repeat it.

Ira Levin
btd 1929 d 2007

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Of all the tyrannies on human kind,
the worst is that which persecutes the mind.

John Dryden
btd 1631 d 1700

poet, playwright, critic

by Gottfried Kneller,

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Good night

Edgar Degas

btd 1834 d 1917

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Culture is an instrument wielded by professors to manufacture professors, who when their turn comes will manufacture professors.

Simone Veil
btd 1927 d 2017

Holocaust surviver
President of the European Parliament, 1979-1982

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