

Artist for fun. Designs lots of cuties. Legimate owner of Snackland. Love all the feeshies!!🔞…

フォロー数:858 フォロワー数:10898

Still trying to get back into full art mode. But in the meanwhile have this teaser for next week though. It's gonna be a spooker uwu

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Haven't been able to get myself to draw much lately nor getting much motivation to draw either. I'll snap out of it eventually, just need some time to get some thoughts on a row. But in the meanwhile have this house I drew sometime ago!!!

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You guys asked for Gellie doing the leg split pose, and so I will deliver on saturday. Here's a teaser already UwU

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And there she is!!! Finally....a Lopunny oc!! And a shiny one at that!! Lopunny is one of my top 5 favourite pokemon so Ruby was bound to happen one day. UwU

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Some fanart I made for my friend for their birthday. Their absolute waifu of a Delphox being an adorable cook!! UwU

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I had such a HUGE URGE to draw these two absolute moods today from the pokemon direct animation!! UwU

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And here it is: Mila but she's now a noodle that has grown a pair of arms and melons uwu
Ofcourse I also had to do a Staryu variant, it was bound to happen. Don't worry though, they're not real!! Just props!!

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I present to you........Mila, but she's an actual Milotic!!!
Don't know if cursed or blessed honestly. But hey, everyone loves a good noodle, no? UwU

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Redrew and redesigned the first dragon I ever designed and Neirdra's daughter!! I wonder how many still recognise her since it's been a long time since I've drawn her UwU

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And here's the second new oc I designed!! A Tanuki girl named Ran!! She's a close friend of Alice and a bit of a troublemaker. UwU

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