

Artist for fun. Designs lots of cuties. Legimate owner of Snackland. Love all the feeshies!!🔞…

フォロー数:858 フォロワー数:10898

Here's already one of the newcoming ocs!! A kitsune mage who's destinied to become Alice's (Neirdra's daughter) kitsune servant. She's still very new to it but honored nonetheless. UwU

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And here's the finished piece for the 3k raffle winner !! Gotta say, this is probably one of my most badass pieces so far UwU

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A totally epic fanart of Mila I got from !! Mila sure does her research when it comes to watermelons.
Thank you again for this wonderful piece!!! uwu

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And here's one more beach gal before summer ends!! And what better way to end it than by drawing some Gellie in a cute bikini lying on her stomach UwU

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A reference of my dragon Neirdra I made recently. Y'all can also read more info about her here:
Beware though, it's a lot of info uwu

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An art trade I did with , I drew their cutie Diamond. Cute ocs with blue color schemes and sweaters always get me so this was pleasant to draw UwU

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You know what helps bracing a bad heat wave? Posting cute shark girls in bikinis!! So here's my Nea in her signature bikini wear uwu

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A "little" variant of the previous pic I made cause I have no shame. Please don't hate me UwU

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Here's the first one back in 2017!! It is kinda scary just how much my art has changed in such short time xD

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