

#Retroverse design. Father*2. Power Ranger rookie. #DnD stories. Bee Stuff. Buff Nerd. He/him. BE THE HERO.

フォロー数:871 フォロワー数:15323

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Art by the amazingly skilled

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Went looking because I was sure there had to be a Turtlemon Digimon. There was not, but there is a turtle with gun hands. 🤷‍♀️

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Hack-orcs are just buff nerds. Art by

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It's very tedious work and is why I've been kinda quiet. The whole thing is pretty much done (only missing a few bits of art and changing the Table of Contents), this is just another bit of polish. Really hope y'all like the... 591 pages of stuff. Loads of new stuff!

2 18

Sometimes the art is WAY different though.

2 18

Just got done touching base with . I know it's been a long wait. Test Wave 2.5 is coming in 30 days. As well as a few other things.

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