

#Retroverse design. Father*2. Power Ranger rookie. #DnD stories. Bee Stuff. Buff Nerd. He/him. BE THE HERO.

フォロー数:871 フォロワー数:15323

WereGarurumon and variants sheets are now available for Patrons. Will be on Twitter eventually.

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As always, patrons get stuff early.

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Turns out I missed DeathMetalGreymon in the MetalGreymon line. I’m not going to include them (yet) because there’s so little about them. Just use MetalGreymon (Virus) and give them a Bite attack.

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One of the things I both love and hate about is all the palette swapping. It's cool to see variants of some of your favorite designs but sometimes it's just "we made them blue".
ToyAgumon is awesome
SnowAgumon is meh.

Thanks for supporting my nonsense.

13 41

"I was changed, made to suffer deletion as my body eroded into nothing. It was by will alone I saved myself. And now you ask me for help? I brought myself back from death, surely you can handle your own battles..."

Thanks for supporting my nonsense.

12 42

Look how cool this is! Artist is Arrancarfighter on DeviantArt. I cannot find a twitter account.

Please go give them likes!

4 20

Dear men, what is preventing you from looking like this?

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