

Miku Miku ni Shite Ageru♪ •• Avatar/Header: pastebin.com/37gqZPqu •• You should watch Takanashi Kiara

フォロー数:52 フォロワー数:1953

Glad we're getting the trademark Hamayumiba circle eyes

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Obligatory stitches. This approaches Hamayumiba's character designs in a very different way than Hanayamata, but it's pretty excellent.

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Volume 3. Uki Uki~

Think I might just work my way through the whole thing (5 vols) before jumping back to other manga.

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Volume 2 complete. We've got all five members, formal club status, and an advisor. One more volume of anime material and then new stuff for the last two.

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Volume 2

Hizume was doing that pose challenge before it was cool...

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Ah yes Kohane's extremely foreboding cheer up dance

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They're really similar imo, though a bit less detailed in the anime, the way animation usually is

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