

never stop caring about injustice - ui artist

フォロー数:2169 フォロワー数:502

“I would, hypothetically, suggest Spike Spiegel” “I would also hypothetically, request (and second) Spike Spiegel”
lanky man. proportions wrong but its already been 40 min. am terrible person and have never seen the show despite knowin i’d love it oops

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“maya from phoenix wright maybe” we were playing justice for all yesterday and she wanted a snow cone so I gave her a snow cone

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“edward elric but with really greasy 12 year old energy”

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quick studies done while in a call of nidhi sunil & sang woo kim ... not quite sure I got their likenesses but tryin to get back in the swing of takin more than 30 seconds on a drawing still hehe

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have been drawing fan art again recently while procrastinating ... I haven’t played league in over a year

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6 am self portrait

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these are mad scribbly cos I’m ill and can’t quite focus but a convo with flatmates got me redrawing the OCs I had when I was 8-13 years old and a convo with got me drawing demon cowboys

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I found some skeletons and I've discovered that I want my skeleton to escape this physical shell to walk free and pose dramatically. this is who I want to be. please never envision me in my human prison again thank you

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