heart / ethanさんのプロフィール画像

heart / ethanさんのイラストまとめ

★ 15y — panromantic trans guy
# syshost + introj
♡ ⛓️🎸 + 🔪

フォロー数:195 フォロワー数:543

// MOOBS!!!!!! /nsx but just incase u dont want titties on ur tl

🌹 — i drew this for my fp jokingly but this is one of the prettiest things ive drawn

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spare 5............... im a gay autistic trans guy who lloves making art of the things im autistic over(i also edit but im not too good at that) i also work on a few comics! and i have my own!!!

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individuals! heres mind's

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♪ — chonny jash tarot cards!
all meanings are the reversed ones :)

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🌼 — c🌖mm for of his oc!!!!!!!!!!! the wife

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hi!!!!! im a gay, transgender, t4t guy!
all ur faves r TRANSGENDER 🔥🔥🔥🔥

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made this for one of my fps and my bestest friend ever

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