heart / ethanさんのプロフィール画像

heart / ethanさんのイラストまとめ

★ 15y — panromantic trans guy
# syshost + introj
♡ ⛓️🎸 + 🔪

フォロー数:195 フォロワー数:543

victors more pink but id...ont care most of these r al kinda pink oops

reply maybe if u wannntt https://t.co/Z7tFfiBtxf

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tbh this happens alot but
the first one is .. just my doodle style https://t.co/ra0MZqdxHu

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i started art since i could hold a pencil but this was prolly one of my first digital pieces

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drew ur silly... been meaning to draw one of ur ocs and i loved this ones design so

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🌌 If only that could make it easier.

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🌸 madoka magica was my first anime

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heres me but actual me like irl

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