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Megumi may lack a good sense in fashion, but if we talk about her Cure forms though

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If you're in need of Magical Girls, I could deliver you Cure Spicy from Delicious Party Precure:

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Would otherwise suck if that ends to abruptly. Is an otherwise cool idea...

Besides, a green Cure with water powers would be a nice throwback at other magical girls of her kind:

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And with her primary civilian design, you wouldn’t really expect it. That is, until we take a closer look at the smaller details. With that in mind, I expected Laura to follow up and start a trend with it that:

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So I just hope we get a proper in the whole thing: Is Laura/La Mer blue? Green? Or, just like Hatsune Miku, blue-green?

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Now you could say it leans more towards Laura than La Mer, but really doesn’t help much. Not only because of the inconsistency but also TOEI’s official site (including Twitter) uses blue and turquoise/teal for Laura/La Mer at the same time:

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