

Stefan Angelina McElvain writes sexy #romance #erotica, blending fantasy, #paranormal and #scifi elements.
18+ only
#RT & #folloback. Member of #Wolfpackauthors

フォロー数:17979 フォロワー数:17250

What goes bump in the night?
Happy Halloween!

7 9

Lots of great reading material on my TBR list.
White Trash by & (review this week...drugs and death +)
Rapier by
Zoey's Sexy Exam by
then 's Beneath the Poison Tree

11 12

Going to be quiet for the next few days...want to finish the first draft of Beyond II and get some Beta reader release Beyond I

Have a great weekend
Be naughty

6 5

Cilla's latest sexploits

12 7

Have you discovered Cilla?
Bored with the salon, she becomes the Cosmetologist Extraordinhair
& some of her clients aren't human.
Hope you enjoy long bangs
ménage + aliens sexploits
Get hooked
She's willful & dominant

38 18

Have you discovered Cilla?
Bored with the salon, she becomes the Cosmetologist Extraordinhair
Some of her clients aren't human
Hope you enjoy long bangs
ménage aliens sexploits +
Get hooked
She's willful & dominant

42 26