

地獄ようちえん(原案) amazon.co.jp/dp/B00OCF5UCM/
 note note.com/yuki1192/ Pixiv pixiv.net/users/1348454 Links linktr.ee/sugiyan1192

フォロー数:1150 フォロワー数:2307

In this time, I've changed the way of drawing eyes from like Doraemon way to normal. Which way do you like? haha😁

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Collaboration with Attack on Titan is always funny😆
Part time job in restaurant, water dispenser, bathroom cleaner, and wear a mask for prevention of colona!

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When I watched that, I couldn't stop crying so so much!😂😂 I recommend it to you, the eyes of characters are too big though... haha🥹 Yes, Kyo Ani works made many young people into otaku in 2000s!

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Haha, it's really light! Many otaku said "3D is garbage! 2D is the best!" in old time😂 Also modern Japan is peak time of otaku culture not only anime but also idol and other cute girl and boys culture. It might be a sign of increase of lonely people 😅

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Acrylic key chains arrived! It's good but I modified some points. Can you see the difference?😁

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Haha, I remembered he was arrested once. Creator have two sides.
I was attracted by his style too, and many Japanese were so too. Ruro-ken was really turning point of Shonen Jump. Realistic style was majority before it on Jump, and it changed to anime-like style after it.

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Oh, Sailor moon! It's the same in Japan!😆 I think the first anime(manga) like that was Urusei Yatsura in 1980s(It's not a shojo manga though). And it's remaked now! Times has changed and gone back to the start😁

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