Sukeban Gamesさんのプロフィール画像

Sukeban Gamesさんのイラストまとめ


Buy our game VA-11 Hall-A

フォロー数:85 フォロワー数:66041

Now while there's many memorable Fuck moments for Jill, one we can personally recommend is at the start of Day 8

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are u really just gonna scroll past without answering?



276 1741

last day... NOT!
While the main game has ended there's an extra chapter featuring a certain cute girl taking place on January 1st.

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Day 19 and 15th game day
The climax is approaching, but more importantly, this happens.
In the game files this image is called "doro JUST dot png"

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Day 17 and 13th game day
Everyone's playing Melt-... *COUGH* Everyone's playing Truth or Dare for the Christmas party
You can have Dana carry Jill bridal style, have Jill massage Alma, have everyone say nice things about Gil or have Gil suplexed like a fuckboy

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Day 15 and 11th game day is the good ol' switcheroo.
Fun fact: We thought out the whole scene with Jill and Alma switching places way before we even had the ending planned, as the Jill plot got more and more developed we kept coming back to this scene to adjust it

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On a lighter note, if Gaby has ever looked kinda familiar to you, let us give you a hint on who we used as a base...

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Day 13 (!) and 9th game day! AKA where fan hits the shit.
This particular day is referred to in the game's code as "Gaby Bomb"

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Day 5 is Anna time! You can play the Anna demo through the + symbol on the title screen. This is a direct unchanged port of the demo we showcased in events.
There was also an earlier version without Nacho and featuring a younger Anna.

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