


フォロー数:397 フォロワー数:290

takes well established tropes from dating sim games and puts them into a zombie apocalypse setting together with dungeon crawling. I absolutely love this idea. Although I wish animations & UI weren't so static, is worth experiencing for yourself.

5 4

The biggest hurdle in recommending is the subject matter. If you are a fan of the Nerd, the references to the show will be fun. But others might simply see 's work as an oldschool platformer with all of it's archaic flaws. As a fan of I had fun.

6 13

The supernatural's never really been my thing, nonetheless is an enjoyable journey through a superstituous remote village. Your choices quite elaborately steer the ending you get. Do give ' game a shot for an autumn afternoon of a good read!

2 3

is about as spectacular as the name would imply: a tower defense game with medieval fantasy creatures. Not unlike something you'd find littering the storefronts of your smartphone and as such, not something special you should be paying attention too.

1 1

What cows have to do with the zombie apocalypse? I do not comprehend. It matters not: is a fun roguelite that lets you run around town looting the place while shooting zombies. There's the constant dilemma: be greedy or safe? made a great game here!

0 1

sets itself apart from other shooters by having a bit more of a story-structure. Instead of simply fighting endless waves of enemies, the game has you go through different setpieces. Visually very appealing, Kaoi Meris & put forth a decent game.

1 1

takes its title quite literally. In this Run n' Gun by you eat pretty much anything, from equipment to enemies. My biggest problem is that the game on was sluggish at times, but its presentation and raw gameplay make up for that.

1 1

leaves me with a mixed feeling. I enjoyed playing through the point 'n click puzzle detective game; the puzzles are fun and accompanied by a great hint system. Unfortunately the game feels raw and unpolished, which does weaken the experience 👮🏼‍♀️🧩

2 3

Though doesn't impress with its simplistic imagination of the zombie apocalypse, the gameplay is actually fun. Shooting hordes of zombies never really progresses much, but it's fun and the small looting sections in-between keep you going in ' game!

2 3

I must say that reminded me of from the moment I first encountered it. Its gameplay is, indeed, a simplified version of SRPG-combat as found in and Would recommend 's game for avid SRPG fans. 🐶🛬

2 2