

A young faun challenges the harmony of her forest glade when her new taste in music clashes with her brother's teachings.
FB/IG: @symfaunic
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Symfaunic has officially won an Award of Merit for Animation and Original Score at Best Shorts Competition!!
We're super excited about these honors and a special congratulations to our Composer Dane Bryant Frazier for all of his hard work!
Thank you so much for these awards!!!

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Happy Faun Friday
Even when there's very little to grow, our fauns still find joy in the yule season. We'll be taking a break to spend time with our loved ones, and hope you're able to do the same, safely. Look out for new and exciting things when we return!

- The Symfaunic Team

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Fauntober Fest Day 31: Costume!
Clove wanted to switch clothes with Cornelius but I don't think he's enjoying it very much...

Art by Darby Kate Snyder, you can find her at on here and Instagram!!

- The Symfaunic Team

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Fauntober Fest Day 15: Sunset!!
A picturesque moment between these two siblings after a long day, watching the sun set over the sinkhole walls!

Art by Andy Soderstrom!!

- The Symfaunic Team

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Fauntober Fest Day 14: Glow!
Cornelius and Clove aren't the only ones that play music throughout the glade!

Art by Clara Kopitnik, you can find her on here and Instagram!!

- The Symfaunic Team

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Happy Faun Friday AND National Comic Book Day everybody!!!
Symfaunic Presents: Sphinxes and Riddles! Our very own comic featuring both Clove & Cornelius, with a special guest appearance by Cornelius' very good friend, Sol'riel the Sphinx!!

- The Symfaunic Team

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Happy Faun Friday everybody
I am entrusted to protect the glade with Home Tree's lyre; an ancient family heirloom that's been handed down between guardians for millennia. This instrument channels the user's magic to propagate a new life in the forest.

- Cornelius

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Our forest is home to many denizens from across the earth realm, though it is mostly inhabited by the people of the Sídhe. You may have heard of them as “fair folk” or perhaps as “fae” and “fairies”. In our glade, it’s common to see sprites and pixies such as these.

- Cornelius

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This last one is Caolán, “The Fair.” I hear he had a bit of a flair for the dramatic. A little full of himself. He could be found lounging in the forest, serenading to the local fae, fauns, and fauna. Clove said he reminds her of me. I have no idea what gives her that impression.

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Uncle Caradoc, “The Beloved.” He was well admired. Tales say that he might have been part púca, but he looks more part elf to me. There’s older fair-folk around here who still remember him. They say he had a venerated presence that gave way to a gentle disposition and kind heart.

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