Cestar Collège - SynStudioさんのプロフィール画像

Cestar Collège - SynStudioさんのイラストまとめ

Explore our online art school for concept art, animation, illustration, 3D, comics, drawing, and painting.

3440 Ontario St E, Montreal, Quebec, CA, H1W 1P9

フォロー数:1811 フォロワー数:2670

Want to build a foundation in digital painting that will set you well on your way to creating fantastic digital artwork that you can be proud of? Join Syn Studio's online Intro to Digital Painting class!

Student Artwork Sophie Iwamoto

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🧠 Strengthen your skills and knowledge this fall semester with our courses! 🧠

Join Syn Studio's online Digital Painting class to bring your ideas to life in Photoshop!

Teacher Artwork by Nino Vecia

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By the end of this course, you will have learned powerful techniques for creating believable, iconic and original creature concepts. Gain the skills required to produce a production-ready creature design portfolio!

Teacher Artwork by Sally Gottschalk

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Classes have started but each session is recorded. You still have time to catch up!

By the end of this course, you will have learned to efficiently sketch and render an interior space using 2 point perspective as well as 3D software!

Teacher Artwork by Paulo Galamgam

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Join in on all the extra benefits of being a full time student with one low price! Take advantage of our all new Syn Studio Activity Pass which gives you access to all of our Q&As, webinars and social events for a term!

Artwork by guest speakers Loish and Even Amundsen

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Take advantage of our all new Syn Studio Activity Pass which gives you access to all of our Q&As, webinars and social events for a term!

Artwork by guest speakers Loish and Even Amundsen

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Classes are now full price but the Activity Pass is still available at the same low price!

Take advantage of our all new Syn Studio Activity Pass which gives you access to all of our Q&As, webinars and social events for a term!

Artwork by guest speakers Loish and Even Amundsen

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Few spots left! Sign up by tomorrow at 11:59PM to save before prices go to their full price!

Join instructor and concept artist Elton Lo in Syn Studio's online Environment Design class !

Teacher Artwork by Elton Lo

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Drawing the Human Form

🔥LAST CHANCE!! SIGNUP NOW!!! !! Join Syn Studio this term to learn new techniques!!🔥

Learn to accurately and beautifully represent the human form with Syn Studio's online Drawing the Human form class!

Teacher artwork by Amirhossein Yaghoobi

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