Let's Talk Lady Shivaさんのプロフィール画像

Let's Talk Lady Shivaさんのイラストまとめ

Dedicated to the Mistress of the Martial Arts!
PFP & Header: @takmiyazawa
O'Neil is forever the Master

フォロー数:519 フォロワー数:3592

She only really became a League zealot after the New52 (and her appearances in Beware the Batman and Arkham Origins), and even then, it was never fully explained why. Closest we had were a couple of hints in League of Shadows, and that's about it.

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Nnnot really. The first time it happened, in Hush, all we got was this one panel. A lot of people interpreted it as her just doing some work-for-hire for the League, which would've been fine.
Then Batgirl deepened the connection, but it was still clear that she had her own goals.

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... for Cass' relationship with her mom, didn't even gaze in the general direction as the details of her birth. Which is bizarre because A) it's not some holy canon that everyone will be mad to see go, and B) it's an entirely new continuity.

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And what's weird is that despite being totally ignored when it came out, all the writers who have come close to it have tip-toed around the issue, making oblique references at best and never really trying to fix it.

Even Bryan Hill, who has single-handedly done the most...

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Dunno if they're all available yet, but off the top of my head:
- O'Neil/Cowan's QUESTION
- Tim Truman's HAWKWORLD
- Palmiotti/Gray's JONAH HEX
- Gene Luen Yang's NEW SUPER-MAN

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I think part of Zinda's beauty is how much of a comic book character she is. Dinah, Babs & Helena all have their superhero stuff, sure, but Zinda's a time-displaced WWII pilot in a team of (very relatively) normal people, and because she's such a peach it almost comes off as nbd.

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She's had a couple of other looks over the years, but those are more or less the main ones.

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Then you have 90s Shiva who went through a bunch of different designs, with nothing really sticking...

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