

tanjirou ur next slayer mission is a target in ncity

フォロー数:916 フォロワー数:1638

28. fuyugumi
- a home. a small one. that's what you want
- even after thinking you'd never have one, you can't help but wish for it after all that
- someone to say goodnight and good morning to, who will smile like always
- you will never get bored or tired of that smile

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25. arisugawa homare
- the self-proclaimed cyborg with a heart of ice; or so it would seem
- then tell me why you do everything for the sake of the people you love? why are they what you consider first in your mind?
- art has always come easily to you. feelings, not so much

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24. mikage hisoka
- you fear the people around you cannot love you for who you are
- but how can you say that when you hardly know yourself?
- learning how to let yourself be loved can be one of the hardest things anyone ever does. trust the people who say they will catch you

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21. akigumi
- at the end of the day, what you've always wanted is to be forgiven
- maybe that's forgiven by your friends, your family, someone you left behind, even yourself
- for someone to just smile and laugh and ask you why you'd even been worried about such a small thing

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18. fushimi omi
- taking care of other people is what you excel at. it’s a wonder then that you’re so poor at taking care of yourself
- you’ve never lived your life for yourself before. but it’s yours, isn’t it?
- no more running. you want to be here. so stay for yourself

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17. nanao taichi

- one day, somebody told you that you’d never be good enough. and a part of you, however small, believed that
- but sometimes faking it till you make it actually works; you’re proof of that
- take responsibility for the past and look forwards to the future

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16. hyodo juza
- strong to a fault, aren't we?
- sometimes we get so tired of the world telling us we are something that we play that part just to get by
- but don't ever forget that knowing yourself is what matters most
- even big brothers need protecting every now and then

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14. natsugumi
- what you want more than anything is a place to belong
- a home that you're so familiar with that you kick your shoes off at the door, leave your bag on the couch, and call out a hello
- where you can laugh as loud as you want and be missed when you're gone

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11. ikaruga misumi
- i wish, more than anything, that this confusion inside you would go away. but i can't make that promise
- i will say, however, that this feeling can be bent to your will. find freedom in it
- it's fun to fly, but remember to land every now and then too

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10. sakisaka muku
- so much of your life has been spent being quiet. it's no wonder why you want to be loud now
- self-deprecating grounds you, but it also keeps you from flying
- you wish people saw what you *could* be, rather than what you are
- but they already do

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