

tanjirou ur next slayer mission is a target in ncity

フォロー数:916 フォロワー数:1638

8. sumeragi tenma
- making mistakes is not proof that you're unworthy. it's the learning process itself
- get rid of that fear of pursuing what you want because of other people
- it's okay to lean on the people you love
- no more hurrying. time is not your enemy

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4. chigasaki itaru
- my god. where to start? how about with asking why you care so much about what other people think?
- you always sell yourself short. and then cover it up with over compensating
- start being honest
- learn to be strong. to hold what you treasure closer to you

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3. minagi tsuzuru
- life is always going to be difficult. i understand wanting things to be simple. but they won't always be
- keep pushing yourself and one day you'll crumble
- it's okay to be confused. no one will be angry
- people look up to you more than you may think they do

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he doesn't want to show off his hair bc he has early onset baldness i know this i know it in my heart

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omg! tsuzuru that hat is so cute, where did u get it:)

"oh thanks!!! it was my older brother's!!!"

adorable! love ittt

*he walks away*

that is the ugliest effing hat i have ever seen

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22. arisugawa homare: -2/10

not a SINGLE THING about homare is normal enough to even touch the borderline of being Just Some Guy. the rich kid background, the poetry and the HAIRCUT all combine into something that makes the antichrist of Guy energy. happy for him.

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12. hyodo juza: 9/10

JUST like his little brother, LOOK at what a Guy this is. i feel like i need to capitalize it, even. what a GUY! the purple hair is just enough to keep him from a perfect 10 but that letterman's is saying a LOT. VERY Just Some Guy. delightful.

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5. utsuki chikage: 8/10

i would see this guy on the subway and not even think twice about it until it was too late and he had stolen my identity. why do you think he was such a good agent? because he blends in with the crowd. Just Some Fucking Guy.

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3. minagi tsuzuri: 13/10

are you kidding? this guy is like if you mixed every default setting made for any customizable character into one person. if you click the "randomize Sim" button long enough you get minagi tsuzuru. he's so Just A Guy that now he's Just Some Guy.

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