フォロー数:36 フォロワー数:13988

[Fanart] Santa Kris and Santa Tao!!!! So cute... >/////< ♥ //CR:sadnessorow

13 3

[Fanart] Taoris with snow~ So cute!! >0< ♥ //CR:

9 4

[Fanart] Taoris and Hickey!!! OMG!! Really love this fanart~ T/////T ♥ //CR:若血绯樱(caicai)

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[Fanart] Tao is GD's fanboy!!! Errr Kris gege...Are you jealous Tao?? HAHAHA >0< ♥//CR:@若血绯樱 (caicai)

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[Fanart] EXO-M under blanket and eating patato?!? so cute... ^w^ ♥ //CR:3232yes

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[Fanart]121201 Taoris at ICN Airport!! HAHAHA ^0^ ♥ so cute!! //CR:

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[Fanart]121201 Taoris at ICN Airport!!! red hood Tao and cool Kris!! ^0^ ♥ //CR:

10 4

Sweet dream all Taorishipper!! >0< ♥ - admin LT. //CR:柒-sailing

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Good night with this fanart Tao umma, Kris appa and their daughter!! So cute ♥ >< //CR:/weibo.com

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[Fanart]Kris gege and Tao in cow uniform!!! Just like a fiction!! >/////< ♥ so cute!! //CR:Panda_乓达

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