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[Fanart] Happy pepero day!!!...♥ >0< //CR:

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[Fanart] Taoris~ so lovely!!! >////< ♥ // (CR:冬二男神姓黄名子韬)

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[Fanart] Taoris are cute boys!!! >0< ♥ //CR:DoKs一T

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[Fanart] Taoris...^0^ ♥ //CR:@トッポギらぶ

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[Fanart] Cute EXO-M!!!~ especially Kris gege~ hahaha "I can fly!!" ^0^ ♥ //CR:yosoonx.tumblr

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[Fanart] Kris and Tao!!! really cute and cool~ >////< ♥ like an anime!! //cr:ARA77

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[Fanart] Kris carring Tao!! but i don't understand about this! Who can translate?? Please~ I really want to know! >< ♥

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[FAN-ART] Tao & Kris fanart !
(Credit: @柒-sailing )

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[Fanart] Tao Luhan and chopper!!! hahaha Like a children!! ^0^ ♥ cr:miyuki_taoris

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[Fanart] Taoris in KCON in LA!! ^0^ ♥

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