

Soph/Sochan | 25+ | She/her | 🇵🇭 | mostly jjk now some genshin/other | bottom Megumi Fushiguro haremist (esp Gfsh & Skfs) | Haikaveh, Sheith, AllHeng, Misawa

フォロー数:1055 フォロワー数:1788

This Shiro sequence is everything

141 330

Sheith s6 without context, everybody 💦‼️

24 64

Such a good parallel to the BOM trials now that Keith has more faith in himself and his bond with Shiro. This could’ve gone south so fast but baby boy got through it. What an emotional ride.

165 378

Even if Shiro was stuck in the black lion’s astral plane, he still managed to save Keith. These two keep saving each other in diff ways and IM.

129 294

Have some photos of Keith always having unwavering faith in Shiro’s goodness and knowing none of what’s happening is his own doing

123 247



Im so sorry, Lotor...

28 60

When mother and son do that thing with their mouth

48 125

Me, internally: don’t say it
Me: ....
Me: .......s-size diff 💦

91 218