

Soph/Sochan | 25+ | She/her | 🇵🇭 | mostly jjk now some genshin/other | bottom Megumi Fushiguro haremist (esp Gfsh & Skfs) | Haikaveh, Sheith, AllHeng, Misawa

フォロー数:1055 フォロワー数:1788

Thanking whoever is out there for the badassery that is BOM!Keith. Holy quiznak.

29 50


14 33

Sliding few but thuper dooper quality keith photos from s4 your way 👌

74 125

Keith: Instead of accepting people into my life, I push people away before they reject me.

Keith with Shiro:

284 435

Made a BOM manip of Keith's armor coz why not? Also, no one can stop me from placing stars in his silky locks ✨ (He's part alien, gdi!)

157 263